Dyno test of ATS Rom Tune (run #6) versus Stock ECU (run #3) on a 93 MR2 with no other modifications. More dyno sheet below.
550cc Injector Tuning Now Available for TD06 20G!
The design of computer chips for today's automobiles has evolved into "one chip" CPUs. On the SW20 MR2 the CPU + RAM + ROM are all integrated into one chip. These factory original CPUs cannot be reprogrammed and are not available on the open market. TECHTOM® Romboards offer the solution to reprogramming; they use the factory processor portion of the CPU and outboards the memory portion to a standard EPROM for easy access to the data. TECHTOM® Romboards are ultra-compact and fit inside manufacturer's computer housings (with the use of a small 1/4 spacer). No need for "Piggy-Back". The result is the most dependable performance enhancing system for the widest range of engines performance levels.
Tuned ROM Features
- Remove factory fuel cut (for the conservative types out there, we can raise it to approximately 14.5 psi)
- Raise factory rev limiter to customer specified amount (from 7200 rpm to approx. 9000 rpm, Our most popular option with stock valve train is 7600 rpm)
- Lock out cold weather fuel timing maps - retains factory fail safe maps to protect your engine
- Dyno tuned timing maps
- Dyno tuned fuel mapping
- Optional Dual Map Rom now available! Great for race gas/pump gas maps or valet mode, anti theft mode, etc.

We have several stock ECU's in stock for most years. With our exchange service you can swap in the ATS Rom Tuned ECU with no down time. If you are in the DFW area (or feel like driving) and would like to have the ECU tuned to your specific vehicle that is included in the price. We will record your modifications and your tuning will be sold to our mail order customers who have similar modifications.
TECHTOM® Software Photos

Additional Dyno Charts

ATS Tuned Rom (run 26) versus stock ECU (run 30) on 93T with CT27, Profec B Spec 2 at 13.5 psi.

ATS Tuned Rom (run 17) versus stock ECU (run 18) on 91T with upgraded CT26, HKS 264 cams, Greddy PE exhaust, HKS EVC EZ at 17 psi.