The latest billet turbo technology available in a bolt on package. Also includes Inconel turbine wheel upgrade. We recommend the upgraded wastegate for boost levels above 14 psi. The stock actuator is a 7psi unit that can be pushed open by exhaust back pressure at high rpms allowing boost to drop. Our optional 1 bar (14.5psi) billet actuator will hold up to 25 psi!
We highly recommend Valvoline VR1 or an oil with a similar zinc content. Adding a zinc additive to your oil is not the same thing. Proof of high zinc type oil is required for warranty claims.
NEW 1 bar actuator available at lower prince than Billet actuator!!
Note: the hard waterline shown in the picture is not normally included. Please remove yours before sending us your core.

Core Return Form required for credit. See Core Notes.